About us



Exercise smarter. Feel better. Live longer.

Your body is an amazing machine and we firmly believe that you can achieve anything you want to achieve. Charmaine is a fully qualified personal trainer and Pilates Instructor in Weymouth, Dorset.

We want to help everyone achieve their goals: from the fit to the in-active, from walkers to Ironmen.

Charmaine Bates

TWC Fitness was founded by Personal trainer and Pilates Instructor Charmaine Bates

Your body is an amazing machine and can be trained to do pretty much anything. From learning to run, to completing a marathon, losing weight to gaining muscle mass…I believe that anything can be achieved with the right training.

Charmaine became a fitness trainer because she always struggled with her weight. Through years of training, courses and research she has the tools to help anyone reach their goals. One diet does not suit all. One training type does not work for everybody. Charmaine is dedicated to helping you reach your goals using individual diet plans and training plans.

She specialises in healthy fat loss for life diet plans, fun one to one personal training, plus Pilates and one to one correction of back problems, pain and postural correction. (Lordosis/Kyphosis).

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